
Anybody else think Ford's line about urgency suggests MiB is dying?

I just want a procedural featuring Ani and her partner.

IMHO Barristan Selmy's death on the show confirms the theory that Lemore is Ashara Dayne and that Young Griff/Aegon is her child. No Aegon means, no Lemore, and without the long-term pay off of a Lemore/Selmy encounter, Selmy loses his emotional endgame. Since Tyrion is on his way to Mereen to play the wise

I agree that the Klaus/Caroline hook-up is problematic to say the least, but one of the through lines from last season (probably the only one worth remembering) was that every one on this show has done terrible things. While Klaus is ultimately the root cause of most of the bad things that have gone down and has

Had to wait for the episode to be released on Amazon, but well worth it. What this show does well is the same thing that made the first season of Lost excellent (and what fell apart in the later seasons). The episodes tell riveting, largely self-contained stories with emotional pay-off while also advancing this

I love how twitchy unemployed Aiden is. Without his own revenge or a part in Emily's revenge, he can't resist a little freelancing.

This ends with me giving Dan Harmon $500 on Kickstarter in 5 years, doesn't it?

The real problem is that grade inflation has turned C into B+ even for online television reviews.

The season as a whole was far more off the grading curve than the episode itself. With only one good episode (Intro to Felt Surrogacy) and four episodes at or above average (Paranormal Parentage, Cooperative Escapism, Economics of Marine Biology, and Basic Human Anatomy), the season deserves credit, but just barely. C

Reasons why season 4 was worth all the disappointment: The development of the Dean Pelton and Jeff Winger relationship (the only relationship that remained consistent), the performances in Basic Human Anatomy, and PUPPETS!

Superlatives are fun