Sandy Baron Cohen


Just dumb.

It was more because he pulled the spotlight away from music to feature his theatrics. Anybody can do theatrics.

Opinions are like assholes. Yours stinks.

It does have one of the greatest graphic depictions of the current firearms situation in this country in Harvey Keitel's spectacular demise. So it's got that going for it.


When enunciated with the appropriate sneering derision it could be.

Glottal stops?

Brotherhood Of The Wolf. Another under-appreciated gem.


Mutually Assured Disinterest

Is that a thing?

Rush featured Chris Hemsworth's total lack of movie star charisma. Blackhat confirmed it.

The "Lori Petty thing" is kinda where it runs right off the track.

I am Harpo's legs!

How big is it.

The Democratic nominee will win. Doesn't matter who it is.

The original was stupid and pointless. Not nearly as nihilistic or degrading as that other French gorefest Inside.

How about a remake of The Oscar? Leo would be perfect as Frank Fane in an update. With Gaga in the Hymie Kelly role?

May I use your body?