Sandy Baron Cohen

Let's fake a sample…

It's a bad idea to have a president like we do.
We'll all survive Sorkin's di-rectorial debut.

Stop… wha-!

let there be lint

uh, what's the date?

Hidden you say? In plain sight you say?

Z'dar's dead baby. Z'dar!

You think Trump isn't using something? Then everyone has overlooked the telltale clues. His sweaty and disjointed behavior during some of the campaign debates, late night ranting and limited (gratification-oriented) attention span. Also an irrational exuberance about chocolate cake which is loaded with the junkie's

No it won't. OITNB brings all races and classes together in a single setting without regard to personal volition (of the inmates). The country in microcosm. Like an AIr Force film during WW2 except with much broader demographics. GLOW is about a bunch of like-minded individuals pursuing a (seemingly ludicrous) goal.

Not trusting…

I saw Z in an otherwise empty theater. Literally empty. I MST3K'd the shit out of that movie.


Trump really fucked up. Sloth-eyed editors fixed the plural problem. In the worst way. That original truncated sentence left out the character, Debbie, and the actress playing her. As it happens this was the first mention of Debbie in the story. Subsequently, when the word "Debbie" appears eight paragraphs in, it's

whoop see


Someone managed to edit out the first mention of "Debbie", and the actress that plays her, up there above the first pic of AB. The sentence refers to "actresses" but only names Brie and her character. I blame Trump for this alarming devolvement in editorial oversight.


Sue who?

"Your secret is safe with me."

Is it magic? Really?