

I was at Universal Studios three years ago; the gift shop had a couple stands filled with Simpsons personalized license plates. There was no BORT. I was very disappointed.

Russell Crowe, Marion Cotillard, and Ben Affleck in Ridley Scott's CARMAGEDDON

Russell Crowe, Marion Cotillard, and Ben Affleck in Ridley Scott's CARMAGEDDON

Listen man, you're missing the point. What if everybody went around calling you "white Stormy?"

Listen man, you're missing the point. What if everybody went around calling you "white Stormy?"

BioShock is a damn fine game, and one of my favorites from this generation, but really? 3rd best game of all time? I don't think so. Not even close.

BioShock is a damn fine game, and one of my favorites from this generation, but really? 3rd best game of all time? I don't think so. Not even close.

It's still that expensive where you are? Last fall I bought a greatest hits copy of VII at a used game store here in Chicago for like 25 bucks.

When I saw it I thought that it was obvious that Conan was tired of people visiting and all of the scheduled face time events surrounding the show, during which he had to talk so much that he was worried about his voice going out. And then after all of that MacBrayer shows up looking to introduce his random friends to

In the song "I Love This Bar," Mr. Keith espouses his love for glass drinking receptacles. I quote: "And we like to drink our beer from a mason jar / Mmm hmm hmmm hmmm I love this bar."

I always thought that Anathem is kind of like Harry Potter for math, science, physics and philosophy nerds. It's one of my favorite books.

Dammit. I wish there could just be a way that I could send somebody 20 bucks and be guaranteed another season of Parks and Rec.