The Innovator

For another celebrity chef connection…..The episode was co-written by Anthony Bourdain.  He obviously knows the NY chef scene better than most.

For another celebrity chef connection…..The episode was co-written by Anthony Bourdain.  He obviously knows the NY chef scene better than most.

I was hoping for Phil to get a little more play.  He's an amazing talent and didn't take this as a chance to ham it up for the camera.  Played it straight, but it didn't seem like he was written enough to have a recurring role, like David cross or even Kinnear from this ep.

Agreed.  Everytime I hear Underhill my first thought is Fletch, not LOTR.

Didn't Olivia ask if she felt anything about someone in the room?  True she didn't get a chance to answer before her dad came in, but she possibly could have said something about herself and how she knew she would die soon.

I used to think Veronica Mars was a cool chick….until she acted pissed that Logan forced her to watch Easy Rider.  Wow what a horrible boyfriend.  I really thought that would be a movie she respected, or even had watched it with her dad.  He seems like that kind of dude. She lost points on that one.

I prefer the above-mentioned dance sequence.  Stan getting down in the avatar suit was hilarious.

I wish we could get some mention of the technical aspects of the show in the review.  Although the direction is a bit up and down, I feel that the photography is pretty stellar in just about every episode.  That is what keeps me coming back week after week, because yea the writing can be weak and god damn it one or

"I haven't even had time to drink, I've only been smoking pot!"
Ah, the stoner's way of thinking…

I'd argue for Sweet and Lowdown, or Celebrity, or  Manhattan Murder Mystery…

Does anyone else think that George might end up being Jonathan's real father or is that just too obvious?  He very easily could have given sperm and not remembered it…….

No mention yet of the unique way they have ended each episode.  In a time when just about every cable show follows a pointed line or phrase with a cut/fade to black to end an episode, this show has brought a welcome change with the float to white style.  It really surprised me in the first episode with her gazing into

"You don't like my pajamas…..Well I don't like your corporate slave outfit!"

I'm thinking that Logan may not be a new love interest per se (maybe a recurring client), I think Ray learned his lesson with that in S1.  I saw her more as a mirror for what Lenore is trying to do with Jason, younger man with an older woman.  Even Tanya and the one client said it this week, they are looking for the

Loved the ear cut off scene.  Only laugh I had the whole episode.  Stewie just shrugging "oh f*ck it" and scratching, just to see if it still worked.

I love the double-meaning jokes they throw in.  Good one here with Phil showing up at the traffic meeting.  He had her "Blindside".  He meant like the book, but Claire certainly was hit on her blindside by the surprise appearance..

Not gonna win a third based on the first string of episodes.  Liked the dude ranch ep. to kick it off.  Since then it just seems to be using the same old ideas.  Mitchell wants everything perfect but Cam won't listen!  Gloria won't listen to Jay's advice so it gets her into trouble!  Claire goes on a crusade!  Luke

Fan #2 right here.

This is the episode that made me realize the potential greatness of this show, it got all News Radio on us.