
I really enjoyed Mitt. And it wasn't for the schadenfreude either. It was a very well made doc, but I really felt bad for him by how totally surprised he and everyone around him was at his loss. No one had a concession speech ready, and clearly no one in his inner circle paid attention to any polls that weren't coming

I just looked it up, and he did get married in 2013, which was, according to one article, a month before planned, probably so that the family could receive some positive press. I have work reasons for having paid attention to this at the time.

Oh shit, that's where I knew her name. And then right after they broke up, didn't he get married to someone else very quickly?

Well, maybe they did do that hoping this episode would be much more dramatic than it was. Roxxxy was ultimately pleasantly boring. Yes, she had a shitty early childhood, but her (grand)mom is awesome and supportive. And instead, they had two deeply moving and dramatic stories with Alyssa and Detox, so the time went to

The last season of Top Chef I watched had that happen. It was two female chefs (I think Brooke and Kristen) against each other, and they did this instant judging thing, where they were judged after each course and you needed to win three courses to win the title. The chef who won had been eliminated but brought back

One of the major plots of the pilot was that she CAN'T throw as fast, so her dad worked on the movement of her pitches in order to maximize her ability as much as possible.
She also mentions the speed that her pitches top out at (I think it was mid-80s)
In the second episode, she says that she has to work harder because

I do wish we'd seen it, but unless they were going to have the opposing pitcher Intentionally Walk her out of fear of having a woman get a hit off of him, the expectations are very low for a pitcher batting anyway.

Ugh. I really, really hope not. I feel like it totally would undermine her character, and she needs him to be a mentor, not a boyfriend.

I think that Trump is going to have a very hard time responding directly to an average citizen that asks him a "negative" question in a neutral environment. I think he relies on mob rule if someone dares speak out at his events. He won't be able to fall back on that here.

The unrequited love that Christie has for Springsteen is gloriously tragicomic.

I just went to IMDB to try to find the trailer, and literally all of the reviews/user comments on the film are about how it's pushing propaganda and never answers these TOTALLY REAL QUESTIONS THAT NEED ANSWERS. Fuck these people.

I wasn't expecting to have any positive feelings at all towards Roxxy this go-around, but I had been hearing about how innovative and cool PhiPhi's drag had become and was willing to give her another try. Showed me wrong.

And Katya gives really good, funny answers to Ru in the workroom. So she's also probably saying it completely in jest.

Seemingly nice but super racist uncle vs. embarrassing dad. Can't wait!

Will this be Miranda's audition tape for next year's Tony's?

I also don't understand why they insist on continuing to write songs that are out of their lead singer's range. Every single I've heard has a chorus with a super high part that he barely squeaks out on the recordings, and can not hit at all live.

And he mainly talked in fragmented circles the entire time. He had very, very few points at all.

Jesus Fucking Christ. I think my life was better 2 minutes ago before I read that, and this, from the opening paragraph on the Wikipedia article about the case: "The Supreme Court has never expressly overturned Buck v. Bell."

If she were 5 years older, I think she'd be the host of TDS now. She really is very talented. Her podcast, 2 Dope Queens, is a great showcase.

I read that the character was in a different article. I could be wrong, though.