
But there are so many complaints about when cis actors are hired to play trans actors. Isn't having a trans actor playing a trans actor a good thing? Also, Jackson is 8. This is his first credit on IMDB. Maybe he just started acting? And with the character also being trans, maybe the casting call was looking for trans

Well, kind of. I've had conversations with friends trying to explain gender vs. sexuality to them, and it's something a lot of people have a very hard time fully understanding. These people are also not watching Orange is the New Black or Transparent. Jackson may be the first trans person many people are ever exposed

The greatest trick Fox News ever played was convincing its viewers that the biggest cable news station in the country, owned by one of the biggest media conglomerates in the world, was not "mainstream."

And yesterday wasn't the first time he's claimed that not paying taxes shows how smart he is.

There were a couple of times where I wish she had called him out on his bullshit, and I really wanted her to continue to hit him on his business, but overall, I think she did a really good job of not stooping to his level and acting like a goddamn adult.

Oh that makes so much sense. I guess I never knew that IMDB included porn actors, so I thought it was some sort of joking non sequitur that I was missing. Thank you!

I completely missed the origin of Bonus porn names. Could you explain the connection to the other people on the list?

Something to keep in mind is that All Stars 2 was filmed very shortly after Katya and Ginger's season, so they didn't have a ton of time to be working, modifying their looks, and expanding their wardrobe before packing it up to head back to the studio. It makes a lot of sense that Alaska is doing better than Katya.

2) Let's say that Phi Phi wins a LSFYL and Alyssa and Alaska are in the bottom. If Alyssa has the harsher critiques, are we really going to believe that Phi Phi won't eliminate Alaska, the stronger competition?
She's just freaking out because she saw Katya as a bigger threat than Ginger.

I was not a fan of Alyssa in her season, but I heard her What's the Tee episode and was like … okay, I'll give her another try. I think I get her schtick a little more now, I'm just not that into adults who act like kids after a Halloween candy binge. So she doesn't annoy me like she used to, but I'm not exactly

I'm with you on the contestant elimination thing, which is why I think it's good that they are trying this in All Stars, rather than Drag Race Original Recipe. The girls in the regular seasons haven't dealt with viewer backlash, haven't seen how their careers are affected by their behavior on the show, and have also

I heard yesterday that they've added softball back in for 2020. That's cool. There's no reason softball should have been cut with baseball.

Having watched the Libertarian town hall that Anderson moderated last night, ehh, not really. He'll almost definitely talk about this, as it's the biggest news story regarding her right now, he'll ask her a few questions about what she's hoping to accomplish with the campaign and if she thinks she can actually win,

Joan Rivers wouldn't allow jokes about Melissa, William Shatner said you couldn't joke about his wife who died, but Donald Trump's sacred cow is his bank account.

And in May Cupan was saying to the press that he'd be open to being her VP pick.
You could think that Clinton would face a lot of resistance in Washington AND ALSO think that Trump's presidency would be a colossal nightmare. Really not seeing the conflict/flip flop that you're implying here.

Lisa Lampanelli did that, donating $1K to the Gay Men's Health Crisis for every protestor that the WBC had. She ended up donating $50K.

I was surprised to see it at all. But I wonder if maybe they scrapped something else during the day?

I think the most likely outcome will be that Gary Johnson will be able to pull a Ross Perot. Clinton could win without receiving a majority of votes (like her husband), but because Johnson pulls people away from Trump. Since she's not mobilizing millennials the same way Sanders does (and Obama did in '08), Gary

I think they need to start big to get on the debate stage in an attempt of giving the party national awareness. I'd imagine it's hard to run as Libertarian for Congress if voters don't know what a Libertarian is.
And from what my husband tells me, Congress and Senate (even State Senate) are pretty lofty goals. He