
Nothing like some suicide and gun violence jokes to finally inspire me to sign up for Seeso!

But I didn't see it as her being seen as sexual that was causing his reaction. His 16-year-old daughter was being groped in the bar and then about to be assaulted by someone who tried to force himself on her mother.
Over reaction? Sure. Did it turn Maddie into a Damsel in Distress? Yup.

Personally, I didn't see Deacon being sexist, but rather the men around Maddie being predators. More white knighting than purity ball father.

I had read last year that only one showrunner in FX history had been replaced, and it was the showrunner's choice to leave rather than the network pushing him out (I don't remember which show off the top of my head).
They are well respected for trusting their showrunners to tell the stories as they want, which has

As an aside, I'd love for a "The Russians" spinoff.

That actually might be a slightly better fit tonally, but The CW probably skews way too young. I hope they do find some place for it, I really liked the show.

I'm totally with you. I don't remember Pearl being told she was the future of drag (not that I don't believe you), but maybe I don't think it was said with the same sincerity that it was said to KimChi?

Aww, Pearl. Sweet, never-had-a-chance Pearl. I don't think of Pearl and Kim being in the same category AT ALL.

GOD DAMNIT. FUUUUUCK. Can't Jane just have like, a week of happiness? The wedding was SO perfect, and so beautiful with emotional moments that were totally earned. Someone mentioned knowing Michael would get shot when he grabbed the ice bucket. I had my "uh-oh" moment during the vows. The show has been pretty faithful

Great user name.
I'm glad I let down my Chuck Lorre shield to watch Mom. It's really quite good, and way more restrained than his other shows.

Ahh, the Ryan Murphy effect. Fool me once (Nip/Tuck), shame on you. Fool me twice (Glee), shame on me. In my opinion, OITNB is miles better than Weeds and is much stronger going into its third season than Weeds was, but I totally understand your reluctance.
It's the good/bad thing about Showtime. They're not

I've been #TeamBob from the get-go, so I was happy with this completely obvious outcome, but I have enjoyed Kim's looks and makeup skills.
I think that at this stage of her career, Kim is best appreciated in photos. She's just too awkward as a performer. And while she skillfully played to her strengths and worked with

Since the show was filmed so long ago, it was an editing mistake to even introduce the NEVER FUCKING USED Shade Tree.

And Michelle Obama encouraging people to eat more fruits and vegetables is completely undercut by that time she was pictured eating a hamburger.

While I could totally do with less Ramsey being the WORST, I think what it's setting up now is some stakes with Jon/Sansa getting to Winterfell before Rickon is killed.

He was fantastic on his recent Doug Loves Movies appearance.

Nothing funnier than a quote from a comedy press release.

While cleary Ron Funches the best part of this video (as he is regarding most things he's in), Justin Timberlake totally seems like a person who would force a roomful of his friends to listen to his music.

I'm not as tough on this episode, maybe because yesterday I watched Wednesday night's Nashville, and I fucking hate the storyline with Maddie wanting emancipation and just being the most spoiled idiot ever, that I was happy when nasty lawyer lost here.

My husband doesn't watch the show, but sometimes, like last night, will be on his phone or eating dinner while I'm watching it.
Not as annoyingly as it could be, he asked me to break down what exactly he was watching, which was pretty convenient since the three women in the center of the story all have different