Starky Love

You're going to miss out on a lotta great stuff with that attitude, but whatevs, you probably don't care. I don't mean that dismissively, either. Life will go on; like what you like.

Ga5x. Problem solved.

If you don't want to be labeled a racist, you probably shouldn't root for the Pats, you fucking racist.

I disagree. Solid, if ultimately forgettable, joke. All kids suck, everyone should make fun of them more.

As a 5'6" man, I understand it all too well.

Yeah, but he's also not. Like, there's a moment in the aforementioned "In Bloom" cover where the horns kick in and you think "Damn, this just took an awesome turn." There's multitudes to his work, is all I'm saying.

They reviewed The Impossible Kid. Your point stands though.

Most douche bags are really nice. It's what makes them so fucking douchey.

I have always wrote him off because I don't like being yelled at.

I agree, that is a jumbled mess of bullshit.

Ok, when Trump supporters come and comment here, it's not their best. They're not you guys (points to AV Club commentariat), they're the people with lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems to us. They're bringing misinformation. They're bringing a staggering amount of denial. They're hateful

I was thinking Tim and Eric.

Oh for fuck's sake.

Until I hear it, I reserve judgement. Sounds like Dave being Dave, much like that stupid clip of him at the Roots picnic from this summer where, if my facebook feed is to be believed, he supported DT and called him "the white Malcom X," which yeah, he said, but I watched the video and it's really just him busting

Nor will I or anyone else here, I'm fairly confident.

If you like his "natural" voice, perhaps you'd dig The Shouting Matches. They're more of a straight ahead four on the floor rock band, and he doesn't really use much falsetto. Here: I really like this tune: https://youtu.be/IAp1HKwY5E0

Liquid Swords: 1995. You're kinda proving his point, no?

A zit. On your forehead. Don't be dense.

Fiona Apple puts out a great album every five or six years. Also, shut up.