Starky Love

That would be cool if he did that, truly. I just don't agree that short of doing exactly that he must change everything that he has always believed in and spoke about. He's not a communist, and it would be ridiculous to hold him to such an extreme standard.

…Less than he does?

It's like some bizarre interpretation of Worthington's Law.

I don't understand what you are trying to accomplish in your argument, and why specifically David Cross is the poster-boy for this "faux/fraud Liberal" you have identified. It's not like the man was born rich. At a (relatively) late age in life, he became rich. At what point do you have to completely change your

It's the second part of the rhyme. I believe it rhymes with window, or air roll, or something like that. I don't know, I can't remember exactly and I'm too lazy to open it up on one of the many devices at my disposal.

Is that down in the Hotcakes district?

The hottest of the hot.

Rock n' Roll isn't a joke, bro.

They're all great, and I would add a recommendation for AC Newman's solo stuff.

No it's not. Butthole is a gross word.

I watched the first two seasons. It's enjoyable at times but ultimately forgettable.

The first man to ever make a comic book metaphor in a hip-hop song.

I guess he's been Vindicated.

I'm sure that I've called myself that in many a multiverse.

I was actually confused about John Titor. The blurb in the article couple with your comment made me think that one of the predictions made by Titor would pass this week or something like that. I went back and read it though, and now see that I am a big ol' dummyhead.

What exactly is going on next week? Preliminary Googs have turned up no useful information.

It fills my heart with joy to know that there is just too much misery coming out of Cleveland to fit into a single film.

My friend and I have taken to calling any time that one feels the need to scream at and berate others as having a "Taffer-tantrum." Y'know, cus puns are fun.

I love love love "Glass Eyes." Favorite on the record at the moment.

They were the very first live band on Late Night. Played "Creep" I think.