Starky Love

Counter-point: No it is not.

Two things:
- There has never been regular reviews of "even the most obscure heavy metal." Once upon a time there was Metal Box, but that was a feature and even that hasn't been around for years
-Of course Beyonce brings more views and clicks than Rob Zombie. She is much more popular.

HMM=RTJ, in my humble opinion. One of the many sad things about Camu dying was the rift that it caused between Aes and El.

I have no fucking clue what this guy is talking about.

Yeah fuck them for not giving their work to people for free!

Sports Show was so goddamn good. Norm just can't catch a break.

You truly are an enlightened person. Thank you for your wisdom.

This is exactly how I feel about this. Never been a huge fan, although I respect her talents. This though (and really it started with the last album), wow. It is great. But hey, according to some I guess I know nothing about what is actually amazing and wonderful about life. I'll work on that.

While Bowie did indeed compose large swaths of his tunes, he had collaborators. Like, some of the most famous and well document collaborations in rock history. Eno? Mick fucking Ronson? Hell, even Trent Reznor? No man (or woman) is an island. He had help in order to make his visions a reality. Also, liking and

Ye will be fine.

YOU DON'T HAVE TO GET THE PRICEY VERSION! Fuck, this is ridiculous. The regular version is the same price as every other streaming service. 10 dollars. Or, an album a month in the good old days.

The ol' "I'm a musician, dude. I know real artistry" argument. Always a clear indicator of someone who doesn't know what the fuck they are talking about.

Aww, you always broadcastin' and never toonin' in, boy.

Synthetic weed is not weed. Not in the same ball park, not even the same fucking sport. That shit is closer to PCP than anything. Be safe kids.

It's really great for my MS as well. Then again, I've always loved getting high, so maybe this is a horse/cart type situation.

What, you ain't know bout dat 'Kast?

As an educator, it also bugs me that teaching is often portrayed as a last-ditch type of career on television and in film. Oh Ted from HIMYM has to stoop to teaching architecture at a college? Wow, that must suck to have a job that I would love to have. Fuck you.

Can I just like them all?

This is a narrative that I frankly don't agree with or really understand. He got back on Twitter and tweets a bunch? So, that's what he does; he goes on these long stream of conscious rants every now and then. Nothing out of the usual. Doesn't anybody remember "SQUIDBRAINS!!!!!"? This isn't new or alarming behavior,

Those guys have to be in their mid-60s by now.