He usually is.
He usually is.
The Cosby stuff being defended by artists I like is troublesome to say the least. See also: Big Boi. Just… c'mon guys.
It took place because of people like you. Trump is that kid in the back of the class making fart noises and being a dick in general. All he wants is attention; stop giving it to him.
Eh, I figured you watched SNL at least. My apologies. She's a singer. And Frank was obviously Warhol, that's not even up for debate.
You can't take my bread away.
You know goddamn well who Sia is.
I love his interviews, I think they're fascinating.
I'd say that's a tad hyperbolic.
Blessings, blessings. Positive energy blessings.
Big Ghost was on fire today.
Everything about this is super silly. I approve. I was cry-laughing when I got to the part that even as angry as Ye obviously was, he still had to give him props for being tall and skinny. Never change, Ye, never change.
Totally Tuna, bro.
Nah, middle age is creepin fast. There's a reason he's always breathing hard.
Of the two Miller siblings, hoosier favorite?
Chill, just give it another 10-15 years. Philly fans are so fucking impatient, I tells ya.
I would counter that one shouldn't make judgements based on trailers. I HOLD OUT HOPE!
Well thanks for solidifying my March concert plans. I was on the fence, as I already saw him a couple of years back after Manipulator.
Of all the times to skip the rubber, you do it 9 months before THE FUCKING PLAYOFFS! Get your shit together, Teti.
He fucking knows.