Eat Up Martha's is better based solely on the fact that it's more accurate. Far I I know, Jonah Hill does not partake in the wacky tobaccy.
Eat Up Martha's is better based solely on the fact that it's more accurate. Far I I know, Jonah Hill does not partake in the wacky tobaccy.
Isn't it just him freestyling over Drake's "Jumpman"? I would be shocked if that shit made the album. As far as the new stuff, "Real Friends" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"Facts".
That last Star Wars cantina song is fucking sad. Such a great way to end the ep.
You both won!
Give me one decent argument against The Nature Boy, I dare you!
Same with Jackie Brown.
If I overheard this argument being had in a bar, I'd definitely think that you two were going to fuck later that night.
Yeah, if you're name isn't Adam Goldberg too.
You guys realize that you're like, basically agreeing with with each other, right?
It made me think of Saussure. The relationship between the sign and the signified and all that, but Esperanto's a good call too.
That's a true story, too! It's weird to me because I help out once or twice a week in an LA class that is reading some Vietnamese book (the name escapes me, although it's autobiographical, written as short poems, and her name is Ha) and for context they were reading from a NPR transcript detailing this exact story…
That's a quality joke that no one seemed to notice. Great job!
Heroin is my only friend.
They're a pretty good band. I think they've gotten a little better with each release, too. Nothing earth-shattering, but decent enough.
Every single Birthday Boy got to ask a fanboy question. It was great.
I always thought it was "Dougie."
I disagree. I feel the performances, especially the second number, were enhanced by the doppelganger.
Which is a Deep Purple song.