
I actually liked Lambert as Eddie. Some of the other actors didn't work for me, like Janet and Magenta. Magenta did not hit that sardonic note that I loved about the original, and Janet just wasn't a very good actor.

I was sad during his scenes too. Especially that they added a character to turn pages for him. He is a legacy, and I wonder what went through his head while making this production, if he approved of it or just wanted to do this for his fans, or what.

I agree. It didn't live up to the original, but how could it? It was still fun in spirit. I could definitely go through a list of flaws, but I don't feel like it. I'll just accept the homage and leave it there.

Lee mentioned that Flora's grandparents were trying to get custody. I wouldn't be able to suspend disbelief if she had brought her back to that house, given everything that happened. I'm having a hard enough time believing Shelby and Matt would come back.

I was dying for her to tell Davos what they did to Shireen. Surely that is coming though.

I was so disappointed by Osha's death. I always expected her character to eventually come back and do something interesting. What a waste.

The image of the idolized football player and his supposed mother in flagrante delicto.

The image of the idolized football player and his supposed mother in flagrante delicto.

Or maybe Todd did see him and pretended not to so that he could scoop him up to cook meth.

I don't think they did.  Sam was coming back to attend the funeral, and he hasn't shown up yet. Arlene was just there…I don't know what.

Totally Mormont for me, too.  I relied too heavily on the oath, and was completely thrown.

He's much more attractive in the show though.  I am still glad that they allowed him to keep his nose, though that disfigurement provided much angst and bitterness in the books. He still will have plenty to be bitter about.

If you could care less about the plotlines North of the wall, there is still plenty of caring going on.

Prediction for season two: Little Joey is all grown up and also a serial killer.  
Classic Poe.

I realized after the fact that the voice asking how Rick lost his wife was surely Shane.  I imagine Dead Shane has a thing or two to say about Rick failing to protect her.

I realized after the fact that the voice asking how Rick lost his wife was surely Shane.  I imagine Dead Shane has a thing or two to say about Rick failing to protect her.