
I think there is no way to condense anything Johnny says into a "bada bum bam ba bump!" moment to go with that music. Sooo, ditch the fucking music!

He likes her smell.

Best Warhol: Crispin Glover.

Caught me some unknown Steve Buscemi in Vibes, with Cindy Lauper and Jeff Goldblum.

Banjocat! That was great!

I scanned them all, and I'm really the first to mention-
Zoltar Speaks, from Big!

Don't know if this one has been mentioned yet, but my family instantly said "Skinny Tom Hanks".

"Manic Pixie Dreamgirl" in Encyclopedia Brittanica yet?
Portman is game and pleasingly arch as a foxy, aloof warrior not-quite princess, and Zooey Deschanel does a knowing send-up of her oft-bruited "manic pixie dreamgirl" persona, while an unrecognizable Justin Theroux chews a great deal of scenery with his fake bad


@Too Fat to be a Hipster

I saw onions in Avatar Avatar's.

Beat me to Robert Downey, Jr. and I love the Richard Lewis call as well.

Looking for Kitty
Is like "Looking for Pussy" and that's almost what Krumholtz is doing on the cover. I thought Ed Burns made a Thirties sex comedy, and was disappointed there actually was a person named Kitty in the movie.

I've heard she could not speak English during Dazed and Confused. Did she have an accent during this commentary?

Ryan for going "whicky-whicky-what", Adams for going "Would you like to buy a purse?" and being f'n beautiful.

I think he has an enormous cock.

I thought you were listing screw-ups
but it seems you are saying that Gremlins and Temple of Doom shouldn't have been rated what they were rated. I think they should have been PG, and then they should have been changed to PG-13 when that was invented. It sounds like you, writers, just threw it in to be part of the

Dreamscape had sex on a tape which loops and lobotomizes the viewer in the movie. I watched that scene a few times as a teen.

I said "Look…look…look at my crotch!" and my wife and 9 year old son both said "Oh, yeh, from MST3K!" I love my wife and son, and you too, unregistered dude.