
Rapist cozies.

Granted I'm old (47) and not exactly hip to the times, but is this really considered misogynistic because it purports that women and men process conversations differently, and that the female processing is significantly more complex (and seemingly superior) than the male?

Keanu Reeves + dead puppy = killing spree.

I believe that scene was in the disappointing Diary of the Dead.

Black pudding is the tastiest scab you'll ever eat.

Black pudding is the tastiest scab you'll ever eat.

It's my understanding that the Dark Ages are called that because of a scarcity of historical records, thus that period of history is largely "dark."

It's my understanding that the Dark Ages are called that because of a scarcity of historical records, thus that period of history is largely "dark."

And redhead fetish, and bondage fetish, and librarian fetish, and…

And redhead fetish, and bondage fetish, and librarian fetish, and…

"Oodles O'Quim? He probably meets women with names like that all the time."

"Oodles O'Quim? He probably meets women with names like that all the time."

I enjoyed Those Who Walk In Darkness by John Ridley. The book follows an LAPD task force that hunts down fugitive superhumans, who were outlawed after San Francisco was destroyed.

I enjoyed Those Who Walk In Darkness by John Ridley. The book follows an LAPD task force that hunts down fugitive superhumans, who were outlawed after San Francisco was destroyed.

You mean he gets off at sunset being ridden by Olivia Wilde.

You mean he gets off at sunset being ridden by Olivia Wilde.

CHUD is still slowly chugging along, and I hope that someday it regains its former glory. Devin is at Bad Ass Digest, and is still the same, if not more so. BAD is a good place to go for criticism and commentary, if not for Devin than for FilmCritHulk, who has a truly annoying gimmick but also some of the best

"Three Skeleton Key" is one of the finest half-hours of suspense I have ever heard. At a World Horror Convention a few years ago, an OTR enthusiast gave a presentation on shows like Escape, Suspense, and Lights Out, and he played Three Skeleton Key and The Thing On The Fourble Board for the audience; I've been hooked

"I wish Daddy was still alive."

I think "Heavy" referred to his serious demeanor. Unlike his brother, SunnyD.