Jeezy Creezy

The only way that this movie would be acceptable is if GW plays himself and the relatives of the 4000-plus spends the entire movie using Pentagon-approved torture techniques on him.

I always thought The Prophecy had Christopher Walken as an angel and Viggo Mortensen as the devil.

Ham-handed and predictable plot device
Walt discovers blue ice meth in Walt Jr's room.

I can't WAIT until it's Obama vs. McCain.

New host
John Waters needs to host this.

When I opened up this page, the picture on the pillow was cut off at the bridge of the nose…

Silly customer! You cannot damage a Twinkie!

Where do you think I got my handle?


You're right, that is damn tasty.


Bye bye
It's a shame you're leaving so early.

Ahem…I think your kick-ass word of the day (if not the year of 2008) is spelled:

In these distressing financial times, even the super-duper rich can ill afford to spurn a couple hundred bucks.

Battle Royale—Man Vs. Man!!!
Methinks that the "fake" Stephen Colbert is kicking the "real" Stephen Colbert's ass, in a no-holds-barred inner turmoil violent showdown and beatdown. Otherwise, he wouldn't be such a dick.

Wouldn't MC Skat Kat eat the Chipmunks?

Yes, it's that movie, but the kiss-ass assistant explains just whzt puce is.

Oh and this
I have an Alvin and the Chipmunks tape where Alvin learns the "true" meaning of Xmas via a golden harmonica given to him by Mrs. Kris Kringle herself.

Oh and
John Denver and the Muppets sing Xmas carols

Am I the only one?
Am I the only one who owns a Colonel Sanders (of KFC fame) Xmas album?