Brown Hornet

Glad I'm not the only geezer here who was in college in the late 80's/early 90's. Really too many lame frat songs to list.

Just to dissent from the above posters, the actual answer to your question is no unless said bands employee the services of one Duane Denison. DD has got to be one of the best guitarists that almost no one knows about.

FYI, I'm a small firm guy (less than 15 lawyers) and we've purposefully kept our staff small and efficient. Lots of big firms overhired the past 3-4 years and are now paying the price. We also don't hire dozens of overpaid first year lawyers who don't know what the hell they're doing. That said, I'm as scared as

Regarding the theory of devaluation: Dune has been prison-raped twice but hasn't lost any cache amongst the nerditary as a brilliant sci-fi classic.

Hang in there Under_. The sucktitude of my law school years has been more than made up for by being well and gainfully employed even in the middle of this recession. Once you stop thinking of law school as an educational experience and start thinking of it as a ridiculous initiation ritual for lawyers, it starts to

Does Amelie know
that Wayne has officially applied for her position as the Hater.

oops I meant right on Lymphatik.

Right on Bizarro. Season 1 Nikki's character grated on me, Season 2 was slightly better but I still found her to be shrill at times. In Season 3, however, she's quickly becoming my favorite character. The scene a few episodes back when Nikki sees her picture in the joy book (I think that's what it was called) was
