Brown Hornet

Too bad because you're missing out on The Supersonic Storybook.

Please please please do this SNL!

Wilco's run of albums from Being There—Summerteeth—YHF—A Ghost is Born is just stupid good in general. Any one of those would be a career highlight for most groups

I'm not sure I get it either but I laughed out loud. I think it was just a perfect weird ending to the horrible morning Van had. It's like she went through hell to pass an unnecessary drug test, gets fired anyway, and then has to deal with this crazy kid — it's so awful you have to laugh.

I agree that camera phones are getting really good and that you can take great photos with them. I take 80-90% of my photos with my iphone and the truth is that the best camera is the one you have with you. That said, phone cameras aren't nearly as close to DSLRs as the marketing would have you believe. For

Piano Man isn't even the worst Billy Joel song or has everyone just decided to collectively erase "We didn't Start the Fire" from the hive mind

Not awful, but disappointing considering the rich source material. To put it in Pixar terms — I was expecting Inside Out and got Cars instead.

I thought Zootopia was actually much much better than The Little Prince. The main plotline in The Little Prince is not The Little Prince but a fairly generic uptight-character-learns-how-to-loosen-up-and-really-live-life.

Guess that makes 3 of us! Love me some Oil & Gold

To be fair, Speaking in Tongues had a lot of funk/R&B all-star ringers on it — Bernie Worrell, Nona Hendryx, Alex Weir.

I think the live backup vocals create a stronger musical and emotional crescendo to the song. I always read the song as someone who is learning how to be in long term relationship — so the vocals at the end just sort of bring it home for me.

The ambiguity between the comic and tragic in Fargo is exactly why it's one of my favorites. In that way, I also find Fargo to be the most true to life of their films.
Honestly though, you could randomly pick almost any 3 Coen Bros. movies as their best and I'd be hard pressed to argue against it.

Ditto… a fitting tribute. Any one of Bowie's personae would be a career for a mere human

I'll bite — it's definitely a good Bowie album, but context makes a difference. If you listen to it immediately following his brilliant run of albums/personas in the 70s it reads like a smart and slightly twisted take on the emerging big 80s video pop star. On the other hand if you listen to it as the front end of

Maybe Tom Ze? He's pushing 80 . . .
As for Bowie, I've just decided that he really is an alien sent from another planet to enlighten mankind.

Having just listened to BTS and Bowie over the last 24 hours I strongly endorse this post

Birthday Cake + Jet Set Radio Future was crazy good synergy. God I loved that game

Bamboozled is the exception to that. Brilliant concept and powerful themes but completely sandbagged by bizarre acting/directing choices and the terrible third act plot mechanics.

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot*
Being There*
A Ghost is Born*
Star Wars
The Whole Love
Sky Blue Sky
Wilco (the Album)
* You could rank these 4 in any order and I wouldn't argue about it.

My tastes usually run towards the grittier HBO shows, but The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency was an unexpected delight. The show had just the right balance of quirky and sweet without becoming saccharine or overly precious. It was also nice to see a show based in modern Africa — which is pretty rare here in the