I shot Gordon Pratt

There were very good episodes prior to it, but I feel like this episode is the first stone cold classic.



At first I got the sense that PFT was hoping to have an epic freestyle rap battle, but nope. And then he purposefully dodged the set-up to suddenly become good at rap, so I don't know what the issue was there.

Nothing nefarious, I don't think. If I recall correctly he was worried about people only knowing him from a free podcast and not for his stand-up and other paid work, so he purposefully tried to create some distance. Now I think it's just that he's not as L.A.-bound as he once was.

You're absolutely right.

I thought Jane Lynch would be a lock to get it. And wow, did she ever not.

That episode is a classic before Fourvel even shows up.

If only there were some way to share audio files!

Burning Love "Would You Rather?"
August Lindt
Every iteration of "The Monster Fuck"
Brad Hammerstone, the Duck
Doug Gropes (Ryan Gaul is a new favourite)
John Hodgman & Ice-T
Nick Nolte & the Mole Woman
Claudia O'Doherty in general

That's President Cheebahawk to you.

Hot tub foot?

Scott and Mantzoukas forcing Patrick McMahon to read from his book of limericks.
"Hi, I'm pregnant."
Farts & Pro 1
The first "New No-Nos"
Russ from Ross Dress for Less
Jazz Jazz
Calvins Twins
Santa and Scott throw down

I love Hines. His characters aren't super memorable, but I don't think that's his point. He's always just a regular dude in an absurd situation, and the dry deadpan way he yes-ands makes him look like the sane guy in the room, even as he takes premises to their ridiculous logical conclusions.

Oh, and it's sad that Adomian wasn't around for 500. He carried a lot of water for the show in the early years.

I lucked into it around episode 30. I was late-night drunk, just fucking around on iTunes and saw Aukerman's name. I loved Mr. Show, so I gave it a shot.

(close second)

Oh CBB's definitely gotten better than it was back in the day, it's just that Spont seems to have folded diversity into its mission statement. It's a cool move, and I thought combining that with the added exposure CBB could provide made for a win-win.

He's also somehow capable of making smirking smugness charming. You can't teach that.

Wengert and Will Hines are the unsung heroes of CBB.