I shot Gordon Pratt

You're not wrong. Seasons 8 & 9 have a lot of good stuff (I tend to forget Season 1 exists), but 3-7 was all killer, no filler. During that stretch, even the episodes you don't remember loving that much have at least 3 classic gags in them.

1-9 is correct, but the true golden age is 3 through 7.

"Oh hell no. You did -NOT- just call me a goblin."

Studio Execs: "Oh, sacred and benevolent Plot Genre-ator, please bestow upon us a new tentpole franchise for summer 2019!"

Thou hast done well in defeating FAIRY. You have gained 100 G and 250 XP! Charges are pending.

Absolutely, but I feel we need a strong female character. Have someone whip up a body armor that consists of no more than three gossamer-thin fabric swatches.

It's much earlier in the country's history, but something about the Barbary Wars would be fucking awesome …

Has any nation ever so wholly let a losing army—rebels, traitors and armed insurrectionists—off the hook? They can even still fly their flag! How in the hell did the South ever become the arbiter of what "America" was?

Here's the thing about alternate timelines—I'm always more interested in the geopolitical ramifications than the characters (who never could've existed, and therefore always seem less real).

Oops, my mistake! To this dude, it feels like Madonna at first listen. I wonder what it feels like for a girl?

Yeah! After all, we're all just born this way. Hey, wait a second…

You just need to get into the groove.

Be strong. I never have to justify my love of pun threads.

Batman Begins has a falling through the ice scene AND the classic "poison the city's water supply" gambit!

Testify. You'd also think that some enterprising fusion-fond chef would have tried to re-patriate Cajun cuisine, but nope! None to be found!

Haligonian here. Chinese > Lebanese > Thai > Japanese > Korean > Indian > Mexican > Vietnamese > Good Luck.

I swear at least once it was "melcom to my monsterclaps."

Daly would be great, but the lack of Adomian for the milestone is sad. He was a crucial component of the early years of the show.

Do NOT ask Beck Bennett and the rest of SNL's male cast to chip in on Alec's gift basket.

And that it didn't really change the actual story in any way. Like if at the end of Hamlet, Horatio turned to the audience and said "By the way, Denmark is a colony on the Moon."