Evo Morales

"No, Archer, NOOOOOOO…"

1 season and a congressional investigation!

Revolting is pretty harsh. He obviously was irresponsible, and he could be annoying at times with incredibly rehearsed public persona, but I don't think he's anywhere close to being a bad person.

Long Way Round is one of my favorite motorcycle documentaries featuring a British celebrity ever. You should all check it out!

At one point they had 3 women on their period in a small room with young boy covered head-to-toe in fake blood….come on! The jokes write themselves!

As a Bolivian viewer, I can say it gets a little better, then gets worse again. I'd also like to say some things about coca leaves.

So that song in the trailer sounds a lot like the Dropkick Murphy's "State of Massachusetts", but probably different enough to avoid legal issues. I guess Jesus is okay with exploiting copyright loopholes.

Vince Vaughn, by a Ron Paul endorsement.

I wonder if they'll play that song…you know the one I'm typing about. That one song. About the thing. And it would be perfect to play at this festival? Oh man.

Hey look, a Nick Kroll mention! That gives me a chance to ask why you guys don't review The Life and Times of Tim.

I thought I laughed once too, but then I remember it was during American Dad.

Why Quean? Was Billy and the Hackasaurus taken?

This article did not come to the conclusion I assumed it would.

Unfortunately, this was the year I started to become a bitter old fuck who's set in his ways, so I didn't feel like giving much a chance.

Well, CUMBERBATCH, Billy is dead! They slit his throat from ear to ear!

How do the producers NOT put an exclamation point at the end of the title? I really hope someone got fired for that.

The very noticeable pause for laughter after he says that line gives me douchechills.

Great, this'll mean more posts to ignore on tumblr when I'm searching for Peep Show gifs.

And then Sisko punched him in the face and he was in the Civil War or something.

This concept lacks the white trash gravitas of other FX series, which makes me somewhat skeptical that it'll actually get produced. Although promises of copious denim is a good sign.