Evo Morales

Just yesterday he had a blind guy and some dude with MS groping a porn star..WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT FROM THE MAN

I made a Howard Stern joke in a Fran Lebowitz comment section once. People didn't seem to appreciate it.

I appreciate your well thought out review, but from what I've read on the internet, Stephen Fry appears semi-nude in the film, which makes your arguments invalid.

I thought these were two very good episodes, but the whole riff during the Oh Land video had me dying.

Crying tears of joy into his pumpkin beer.

Having to sit down and talk comedy with Alan Dershowitz? Not even the Mossad would engage in such torture techniques.

It always bothered me that Bill and Ted just sent him back to the 1860's to get shot in the head. Such sticklers for alternate timelines.

Was the place they tracked the IP address to a hotel? I honestly don't remember anyone on the show explaining where they were during that scene. It looked like a park.

Agree with all of that, with one exception: fuck Texas. Half-formed stereotypes are the best kind of stereotypes.

This has got to be one of the most throughly mined scenarios in 'What If?' fiction. For those that have read it, is it a better work than Quantum Leap's seminal "Lee Harvey Oswald" episode? 

Does being offended make you feel uncomfortable? Because I felt pretty uncomfortable during a lot of this episode. The bit where Brian and Stewie said Yes! on 9/11 was funny, if only because it was the first time they acknowledged how incredibly off-putting the whole storyline was.

There seemed to be a conscious decision to show them being unmasked, like we were supposed to be surprised by who they were. They were definitely American Whites. Right before the break, you could hear someone in the van say "are you guys okay?"

I know Pressman is a dick, but did anyone else think he had a something of a point? The other two great powers of the Alpha Quadrant got to have cloaking technology, why couldn't the Federation?

T'Pol was something right out of Vulcan Love Slave Part II

Unfortunately, there's a certain part of the population (aka a significant majority) that hear "IT'S BRITISH" and translate that into "THEY TALK LIKE SHAKESPEARE ME NO WATCH"

Finally, been searching all thread for that. There was an obvious shutter-snap then the sound of tires squealing. The APD detectives, keeping tabs on Jesse?

I watched a few episodes, and I thought it was just okay. People kept telling me it was like a female version of Peep Show, which I guess was sort of true, at least on the surface…..it just wasn't nearly as funny. Maybe those high expectations ruined it a bit for me.

And what was with the Leah Remini cameo?

Little did you know, I'm the president of Bolivia. I have no authority in matters of the internet.

I illegally download pretty much everything so I can watch it a couple hours before it actually airs (WEST-SIIIIIDE)