Evo Morales


Hey, it wouldn't kill you to say some nice things about this show…

Frozen Peas = asporkable

Lord knows I have.

Honestly, I didn't think he looked all that bad. Heavier, sure, but he DID look like he packed on some muscle mass, especially in the arms. I'd bet in addition to eating a lot he was hitting the weights.

Well, America had an awful history that it was forced to look at and deal with.

I don't watch this show or care to even discuss it in an ironic way, but the man in the preview pic looked familiar and I wanted to confirm my suspicion that it was, in fact, Brent Spiner.

Pre-gay is obviously a real thing, as evidenced by the young pre-gay actor playing the pre-gay kid. 

Hmmm, I could see it developing a cult following maybe, then get canceled after a few seasons. Sorta a sci-fi Arrested Development.

There's a 15 minute monologue on pocket lint in episode 5 that you might want to fast-forward over.

What is 'on-o-mat-o-poetic….'

OKCupid sounds like a cool place. I WANT TO GO TO THERE!

When did you realize they weren't going to be able wrap up the finale in an even remotely satisfying way?
I think for me it was about 28 minutes in. They were wasting too much time with obvious Richmond misdirection, and I realized they weren't going to be able to find the actually murderer in the remaining screen

I'd wrap myself in velvet

I'm still waiting for the Linetrap sitcom starring Sarah Silverman.

Awesome, can't wait.
I've been looking forward to a sequel to Private Parts for about 14 years.