Gentle Herpes

All Indian food.

"I said fresh ground nutmeg, you Philistines!"

He's this generation's Eddie Murphy!

I'm still not seeing my incentive.

Maybe you're him!

Thank Buddha for the Chinese.

Hollywood accounting strikes again.

So you say.

I thought the first one tanked at the box office. $165 million production with a $190 million net. Oh, well. Somebody has Faith!

Wired AI doesn't work as well as wireless.

Same way you would hurt a human. Give it feelings. Make it feel the equivalent of pleasure and pain. If you have a sensor that detects heat, program it so that if the temperature is too high, it must find a way to either lower the temperature or move away. The higher, the faster. If you want it to be lonely and

And lots of adorable little kids.

A fucking big gun.

Nerd adoration, for either men or women, has a lot to do with "approachability." Are they homely enough to possibly be attracted to a nerd like me?

It all boils down to everybody wanting too much dough.

That's the thing. It doesn't matter. The only way I know a real person is worried about consequences is if they tell me, or their actions prove it. Otherwise, what's the difference?

That's what little kids do.

I suppose it can be used to get the AI to start thinking about how to figure out things it doesn't already know how to do. But… when people are confronted with something novel, we ask other people about it — or look it up on the Internet.

The hard part of AI is figuring out how to get your artificial critter to weigh and balance all the various motivational parameters in such a way that it doesn't create paradoxes, and so that it leads to the critter to think beyond the raw calculations and do things because it "feels like it."

Artificial carrot and stick.