Gentle Herpes

Just have her do her will per stirpes, and not per capita.

My siblings had kids. Some of them even look a little like me, so a few fragments of shared DNA will manage to exist for a while through time. Because I guess that's the goal of existence.

I suppose you had to feed them to get decent work out of them. There's always a catch.

Yeah. It's not their fault, but still.

Back in the day before individual retirement plans and Social Security, kids were most people's retirement option. Maybe one out of seven kids would have his or her shit together enough to make enough money to support you in your dying years.

Kids pretty much raise themselves poorly.

I bet it is to be confused.

Too much time on your hands again, eh, Internet?

So he's not the main character, but just some comical psychic put in to further the plot? I guess that rates a press release these days.

"Did she invent the Internet like I did? No? Then fuck her!"
— Hedy Lamarr

Usually those kind of people are Glenns.

Also Lexx.

My complete lack of any sense of responsibility would probably make my having children problematic.

I'm just glad there are still going to be shows around that tell me how I'm supposed to think and act. I can't get enough of that.


Boxcar Willy.

Be sure to claim it has some health benefits! Doesn't matter what kind.

This sounds like no fun AT ALL.

"You'll groove to it and like it!"

Shirts with magnets in them?