
Yeah.  Frankly this review reads as "I don't like body modification; therefore, this is a D."  The movie itself is excellent.

I think her attire is meant to be over the top - it's one of the symptoms of bipolar disorder.

I think her attire is meant to be over the top - it's one of the symptoms of bipolar disorder.

wiffle bats and helmets would do the trick

wiffle bats and helmets would do the trick

For my part, I thought that the death of Hitler was one of the really innovative aspects of IG.  While it's a revenge movie (and a WWII movie), it's also a movie about revenge movies (and WWII movies), and raises (though, thankfully, doesn't answer) questions about what we want from this kind of movie at the end of

For my part, I thought that the death of Hitler was one of the really innovative aspects of IG.  While it's a revenge movie (and a WWII movie), it's also a movie about revenge movies (and WWII movies), and raises (though, thankfully, doesn't answer) questions about what we want from this kind of movie at the end of

Consider Ursula LeGuin's The Dispossessed, or for that matter The Left Hand of Darkness.  There is no question of "how did we get there from here," since both of these stories are basically set on alien planets with only a peripheral connection to Earth.  Yet all the same they're meant to say something about the world

Sure, she doesn't dress that way in her private life - but I also don't expect her to sing all her conversations.

Sure, she doesn't dress that way in her private life - but I also don't expect her to sing all her conversations.

Indeed, maybe they realized that retelling a pathos-filled backstory is a certain mark of death on GoT, and stopped themselves at the last minute.

Indeed, maybe they realized that retelling a pathos-filled backstory is a certain mark of death on GoT, and stopped themselves at the last minute.

At the end of the episode, I thought - wait, it's over?  Fifty minutes blew by like they were five - which is  a compliment to how gripping it all was.

At the end of the episode, I thought - wait, it's over?  Fifty minutes blew by like they were five - which is  a compliment to how gripping it all was.

Speaking of the spirit world: Koh, the Face Stealer?  Some connection to Koh would explain why Amon wears a mask.

It's also, if you like, a subtle commentary on MMA vs. traditional martial arts.  Mako and Bolin, trained in the sport of pro-bending, are actually not terribly skilled at actual fighting; Korra, trained in traditional bending arts, is capable of taking on that bouncer without difficulty (or bending).

Yes, in reality, ECT is not a terrifying mind-wipe - but if Saul's only exposure to psychiatry is One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, then he might have different ideas.

Muscle memory is not stored in your muscles.  Rather, "muscle memory" is just yet another function of that amazing organ system, the central nervous system.

You don't need an injection for an fMRI; that's a PET scan.  That said, fMRI's are far more expensive / difficult / time consuming, not everyone can take them (if, say, you have a pacemaker, a tattoo, a bone screw, etc.), and they're still not terribly effective at detecting lies.

I would say, yes, he does portray rape from a feminist standpoint.  It's clearly about men dominating women, and the rape scene focuses primarily on the rapist and what's going on with him (he's evil), rather than focusing on the woman being raped.  Or, in other words, the scene is shot from her perspective.