
Try watching it.  You'll find out.

Yes, I'm sure there's a spell for that.

A funnel.

I cried when that napkin cartoon was cancelled.

"Dear 911….I never dreamed it could happen to me…."

I saw it.  I loved it.

I now blame YOU and your ex-roommates for everything that is wrong with American television.

I had this strange dream that we all found out each others' identities and it turned out we all knew each other from school and college.  It was very, very funny.  I'm writing a pilot.

I also hate everything Billy loves.

Yeah…honestly didn't know anyone was still watching these.

Dear lord, woman, you have unleashed a shitstorm of Biblical proportions with your misunderstanding of where to post your tumblr accounts.  Read the rest of the comments in penance.

Preffrd spelling:  crackpt.


I love me a good submissive.

Spock!  Set DVR to "Rock!"

Sorry to both of you for reading this thread.

I'll wait for Jesus Throatfucking Christ to comment on this one.

Bad news, Flaubert:  Facebook just Myspace'd themselves.  It's all moving to Google + now.

Unreliable is juuuuuuust unreliable enough to not even notice that error for another three hours!  That's how unreliable rolls!

If you're starting with "newest first" let me save you some time:  "Here's four-hundred tumblr accounts from Commenters you've never heard of!  And now they've all left to go follow themselves and each other on the circle-jerk that is tumblr!"