Butter Swan

PLEASE let that be a song…

Agreed on the sad lack of Buster! I also thought they started off pretty bad with the way they handled Michael living with his son at college. Michael is capable of justifying a lot of awful things to himself, but I thought that was just too far.

I thought "Mr. F!" was annoying in season 3, but it had me laughing in season 4 because it got so random.

Can Cormac McCarthy do King Lear, too? That might kinda be perfect.

You bought the two best Gaiman titles, in my opinion. Very different, but both excellent. Good Omens is suffused with Pratchett's humor and style, which is a delight. American Gods is a book that has stuck with me, I love the ideas behind it. Enjoy!

I only like that song so I can shout "tie me to the bed post!" at the top of my lungs.

YES MORE BUTTER! This is turning out to be my favorite newswire ever. ~preens feathers~

Yeah, I was left behind by a few galpals in 10th grade. Yup, not interested in smoking weed and getting into cars with boys I just met. Not interested at all. (Ok, fine, I got more interested in the former in college, but never the latter.) Everyone turned out ok in the end, from what I know, so that's good.

Ugh the glasses, yes. For me I think it's the redhead's strange chest anatomy. One breast? In kind of a strange location? Is her right shoulder blocking the other one? I have so many questions!!

I'm sure some of those fingers around the popcorn in the photo must be his, but I am kinda enjoying imagining her GIANT WEBBED HAND. She could make that hot.

LEG disabled.

That's what I as thinking, too - perfect idea for an episode of the Office. Total bonehead Michael Scott idea, lots of opportunity for dysfuntional workplace hijinks. (Your version of Toby, Jim, and Dwight is right on the money!)

It's silly to expect that anyone would be affected in the same way by two films just because they depict gay relationships "The girl-girl movie is better than the boy-boy movie? Clearly you are just biased as a straight male!" Please. Thousands of movies depict hetero relationships, and we can have a thousand

You can't even GIVE that away.

Agreed. I actually find the movie much funnier than the TV show.

I just looked it up too. I'm sure it would be much worse to actually watch it in the film, but it was kind of too over the top to be taken seriously. Seems a little too… inefficient.

Brilliant! Built with a lot of love, I'm sure.

The cross is a nice touch. It really gets you wondering: where would Jesus stab someone with a splintered chair leg?

Wow, even a Tori Amos song in the background of the trailer! Why, hello, 1990's, I…. didn't really miss you, actually.

You can't stop the flow of Qyburn once it's started! That's the whole problem with Qyburn!