
Welcome to the dollhouse
Welcome to the dollhouse and Funny Games are very good calls. Unbearable things takes place in both, however the acting in both are so great you might wanna watch them again for that reason alone. How about Takashi Miikes entry in the Masters of Horror series 'Imprint'. The

Visitor Q
I've not read all the many comments, so I'm not sure if anybody has mentioned 'Visitor Q' by Takashi Miike. This movie will stay with you forever, whether you like it or not. It has a father who frequents his prostituted teenage daughter, a young boy who viciously beats up his heroin addicted mother,

Visitor Q
I've not read all the many comments, so I'm not sure if anybody has mentioned 'Visitor Q' by Takashi Miike. This movie will stay with you forever, whether you like it or not. It has a father who frequents his prostituted teenage daughter, a young boy who viciously beats up his heroin addicted mother,