Morgan Freebird

This game has been streamlined for one particular type of person: Loot Hounds. Is it just coincidence that the color-codification for the rarity of guns found in Borderlands is identical to the system used in World of Warcraft? I think not.

It's a shame that one can say it, but in terms of interesting and original IPs and stories carried to creative completion and then served to the masses - videogames have the track beat.

I went cold turkey on MMO's in February, so I'm troubled to even dig too far into the game, but it sure looks damned interesting.

"The wheelchair kid's right: That Rachel chick makes me want to light myself on fire, but she can sing."

Cravid Penguinberg's Ashcronen

"Oh, Ed…You sounded like Dirty Harry just then."

All of this could have been avoided…if the world had only been at 540 defense.

I like to fart in the tub!

Profound levels of raping indeed, AND while decked in Tier 6. And if you can't rape Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights - well…kiss your ladderclimbin' dreams goodbye!