
That did kind of come out of left field. Every detail about him and his cronies seem to be there just to make them seem more and more evil, but it leaves them feeling thin. Their over-the-top bad-guyness — making Sy drink urine because a cop showed up (even though one of Varga's guys was watching him and should have

It took three seasons, but we finally have our first bad episode of Fargo!

Good call.

The guy who set himself on fire did mention killing a baby…

I hope whoever it was that clicked on every review just to give it an F feels like he or she made good use of his or her time.

Obviously it is Negan's fault, but they have shown that Daryl is wracked with guilt. They even showed him putting his head down and avoiding eye contact with Rick to show how bad he still feels, and Rick hugging him in a way that says "it's not your fault." That moment would have been so much more powerful if it were

They had enough time to show every other combination of two characters reuniting, but not the two characters who were most affected by the pivotal moment of the season…

How in the heck did they not show Daryl and Maggie's first interaction since he got her husband killed? The defining moment of the season, especially for these two characters, and the writers couldn't find the time to squeeze in what would have been the most poignant exchange of the (hour-and-a-half-long) episode?

Patrick Stewart was drawn by Jack Kirby himself to play Professor X.

I've got no fucking sense of smell.

"Roughly the same length as The Pearl."

Well, it took 12 years to write. I thought it would take 12 years to read.

Saw the B+ and came here to give it an A. I'm so proud (moved, even) by the A grade from the community.

How does the timeline match up for Dottie to have been a young teen in 1937? Are we supposed to believe "present day" Dottie is in her early 20s?

Agreed. A polite spoiler warning would have been appreciated. Instead, Oliver needlessly spoiled the reveal this entire season of Jane the Virgin has been leading up to, just one day after it aired.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hydra

Billy Joel one more time!

Yes, hence typecast.


I'm fairly certain Samberg showed him "Jizz In My Pants" for reference.