
Corey Matthews…It didn't help that we both have curly hair. I loathed that kid and his shitty TV show like no other.

Tons of great moments in this episode, but my favorite will have to be the combo of Felicty's "I think if The Huntress shows up, you should totally kick her ass" followed by Diggle's earnest head nod.

1. Game of Thrones
2. Scandal
3. Bob's Burgers
4. Orphan Black. (This was FUCKING brutal).
5. Archer (Obviously)
6. Arrow (This one came down to MC's for me. Stephen Amnell and crew are killing it. Even a solid cast can't overshadow the Andy Samberg's over-used idiot-savant trope.)
8. Mad Men (TBH; I closed my eyes

I actually think the Thursday night line up makes sense.

The answering machine was well done, but the exchange between Roger and one of his gym goers was the highlight of the episode for me.

The biggest question I have with this whole cure business is aging. I assume the cured vampire wouldn't age instantaneously, but would gradually grow old once he/she became human again. If this is the case my money is on Katherine. I can't imagine any other character with enough snark and guile to handle the food

The biggest question I have with this whole cure business is aging. I assume the cured vampire wouldn't age instantaneously, but would gradually grow old once he/she became human again. If this is the case my money is on Katherine. I can't imagine any other character with enough snark and guile to handle the food

Fidelity to the comic aside, this show is pretty hard to suffer through. As people have pointed out, Laurel Lance has zero chemistry with her scene partners and Kelly Hu's China White was pretty much a non-sequitur. But I think most of the blame falls to Amnell's failures. His voice over exposition sequences are the

Fidelity to the comic aside, this show is pretty hard to suffer through. As people have pointed out, Laurel Lance has zero chemistry with her scene partners and Kelly Hu's China White was pretty much a non-sequitur. But I think most of the blame falls to Amnell's failures. His voice over exposition sequences are the

There were some great laugh out loud moments; but for me, Linda's attempt to make hugging in a chair sexy was pretty damn hilarious.

This episode was particularly underwhelming given all the hype included in the promo. The revelation at the end was interesting but not enough to make up for the sluglike pace of the plot. Also someone needs to make a meme out of Chris Zylka standing on a boat in a suit trying to look sad, that was just unbearable.

Oh good. I'm glad I'm not the only one who had a minor panic attack when I read Haven on that syfy cancellation quote. Granted, the show has some serious issues including the fact that it is low budget as hell; but anyone who saw the season two finale will understand why it needs to come back. I need to know what the