Deputy Barnes


I was about to make a light joke last night while watching this with my girlfriend. The punchline was gonna be, "Liam's gonna Neeson time alone."

*FORMER* porn star Abella Anderson. *ahem* Or so I've heard…

Damn. Kanye is looking so sad at that A-.

Take the drunk, affable Don from the scene where he pitches to Life Cereal ("Cure for the common breakfast!"), ratchet up Don's euphoria (for the most part), stretch it across a whole episode, and how could this get anything less than an A?

I'd like, nay, LOVE, to watch a spin-off where Burt Peterson is in a purgatory/Groundhog's Day scenario and gets fired by Roger Sterling every day.

You have no idea how many unsuspecting people I've ensnared since She & Him's inception. 4 albums now serving as my lure to slaying daft lads trying to wrestle away my Man Card. Please M. and Zooey, keep these coming so the body count may continue to rise.

I'm about to listen the fuck out of this album and play Candy Crush Saga all night whilst gripping my Man Card firmly in my meat-eating maw. Deschanel to the max!

"Leap for 'Veep'! HBO to keep comedy for season three-p!"

Yeah, Todd, if I recall correctly, that assassination put a real damper on what would've been an otherwise hilarious and gay ol' time at Margaret's funeral.

I've begun snapping my fingers in a sassy fashion every time someone has a killer quip on this show. Tonight had some great ones.

Is that photo of Matt LeBlanc from when he guest starred on The Simpsons? Does he have jaundice in this episode?

Is that photo of Matt LeBlanc from when he guest starred on The Simpsons? Does he have jaundice in this episode?

@avclub-d71760750778a95386b703f5c9e474f0:disqus Close. WE are actually Daenerys. Community with Dan Harmon is Khal Drogo. http://www.buzzfeed.com/der…

@avclub-d71760750778a95386b703f5c9e474f0:disqus Close. WE are actually Daenerys. Community with Dan Harmon is Khal Drogo. http://www.buzzfeed.com/der…

With this new Academy recognition, I think a film adaptation of Time Desk isn't too far off!

What's your opinion on OPS+?

I never thought I'd read an AV Club article that referenced OPS and WAR. I just went from 6 to midnight.

"The 2011 sequel is even more promising in the abstract." Hey Rabin, the sequel you just reviewed was released in the year 2012.

The dog's voice and his dialogue have been a running joke between my friend and I.