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    I'm thinking cloning - somehow would tie into the ovary harvesting. Being reborn is to be cloned - like the Resurrection. Hence not much difference between Cylons and Humans after all. Ta dah! …eh, we'll see. I'm enjoying the final eps.

    Mrs. Puff


    Purple Rain
    Yes, Lisa?

    Hayao Miyazaki
    He was my gateway drug. Beautiful films. I wouldn't know about anime if it was for CN playing one his movies years ago. I sat captivated for 2+ hours. I can't remember when a movie caught my attention like that before.

    I once watched…
    …about 5 minutes of this show. I wanted to move out of NYC forever, to someplace where they would never ever film a show like this.

    Missing Reaper
    I have been looking forward to its return. I love the show and I like that the (as said in crotchety old voice) young people in the show are normal, for Chrissakes! There is just something nice about their characters that you don't see in any other show out there. It's always a pleasant hour spent,

    …on a job listing. I love it. Hilarious.

    What if you sing like a rock star and hate your parents?

    I agree, Simon is right most of the time. I was shocked when Paula nicely told that young woman that looks are fine but she didn't sing well enough. She said what I was thinking, only said it nice-like. Simon just says what he sees, "no presence" "terrible song" "why does everyone try to sing Whitney Houston songs?!"

    The Tits of Twitter…XXX

    a 'documentary' about his 'rap career'?

    Or am I?

    Walk Tard
    Need I say more?

    I'm so sorry.

    It's got electrolytes.

    I watched it, but when they threw Granny into 7 minutes of heaven, I wanted to turn it off soooo desperately. Wow, did they invest with Madoff or something? Why keep going with this garbage?

    I have to give a shout out to Secretary. Seriously, one of the most unique love stories ever told.

    True nuff…I like her, but the part about wanting that perfect working relationship stuff, ugh, I've seen that personality in real life. Sucks the air out of the room. I hope she's not like that really.

    Action was hilarious. It was the best vehicle for Jay Mohr. I would venture to say it was tame compared to stuff on tv now. I loved Illeana in that and I had no idea who she was. Great interview. I think her looks make her stand out in a GOOD way - she has terrific presence. Can't say that about very many so called