

I want to have crazy monkey sex with Tina Fey.

Strangely enough, it was actually Brian De Palma.

Heavy Metal actually happened to me one time.

I heard that during filming the Bumpass's dogs got into the kitchen and ate the film crew's entire Christmas dinner. As a result they all had to eat Christmas dinner at a Chinese restaurant. What a lark!

I thought it was that Vinny Chase guy.

Is Rusty still in the Navy?

This discussion reminds me of my favorite quote from Bad Santa:

sweaty boobies, anyone?

I stopped reading after the first paragraph.

they just want some brains, some delicious brains.

zombies hate my brain.

George Strait? Hell, that music ain't even old timey.

You're so right. Last night I was over on Division Street trying to buy a whore and that bitch wanted $250 for a blow job. I was all like, "that's way too much. Blow jobs from a dirty prostitute should only cost $40".

Fidel, I hear 911 in a joke in Havana.

Poop Up Video.

But the 19 kids are not my sons (or daughters).

Was the extra-gratuitous nude scene in 3-D? Because that would be pretty awesome.

the risk of you being a nerd is 100%.
