
Enough with ZMF/AV Club conspiracy theories. He's like Santa Claus or a good episode of Entourage. You were always happier when you believed it really existed. Once you found out the truth, it was just kinda sad.

Wu Tang - C.R.E.A.M.

I'm sorry we have to have this conversation while I'm wearing such a silly tshirt.

Once I busted out The Twitter during the opening credits of a movie. Next thing I know the police were arresting me and charging me with indecent exposure.

The original title was Inglorious Bass Turds, but back then it was a movie about fish poop. Then those Hollywood suits got their hands on it and look what happened.

I love me a good thrusting crescendo.

It's raining cats and dogs out there.

Royal Duke of Jackassery, My kudows to you good sir. You have quoted one of my alltime favorite movie lines.

the three doucheketeers

The only complaints I have about Starship Troopers both involve Denise Richards:
1. She doesn't get naked.
2. She doesn't die.

You don't like Starship Troopers? Then take a walk down Washout Lane.

Jim Belushi + Family Guy = comedy gold.

"you kill bugs good."

Diners . . . is a fun show, especially late at night. But for God's sake Guy, no one should be wearing their sunglasses on the back of their head at any time.

Too much genital mutilation humor, Weeds.

I believe Jeremy Piven actually thinks he is Ari Gold now.

oops. "obligatory kiddie porn HUMOR" I meant to write.

Far be it from me to call a halt to your request for obligatory kiddie porn, but I believe Pee Wee was arrested for exposing himself in a theater. No children were witness to that I far as I know.

Cheese. You know, Rodney's kid brother?

Does Adam Sandler die at the end of Funny People? If so, I would watch that.