
Right? I'm kind of sick of seeing "bad/dysfunctional" relationships on television - and it's not like marriage has to be boring/is devoid of types of conflict.

Really great version that managed to sound different enough without eliminating much of what made the original song so great.

No, but I believe you could! …spend time…talking about…you know what? Forget it.

I'm mostly sure it is "Milkboy", which is a coffee/beer/liquor bar. It's actually pretty awesome, and they have cool events there.

So that bar was Definitely Milkboy, in Center City Philly, right?

Aw- you ruined that awesome conversation he was having with himself! (Kidding! Mostly.)

Holy fuck, I do not like Comedy Bang Bang. The games already slow everything to a crawl, and they -for some reason- have to have incredibly annoying and loud intro/outro music. Aukerman is not funny (at least, not as a host?).

What's the point of the Barbara Streisand "number" (which is no singing, and just dancing in the mall)? Her getting a nose job somehow destroys the hopes of all Jewish girls?

Too much sap
I thought the only thing that brought me out of the episode was Amber's crazy self-destruction…except I'm sure we've all met/heard about someone being that way, regardless it being a disproportionate response to something.

Recent Praising of Bob's Burgers
I really don't understand how assholes (Louise) and people going insane while being inconsiderate assholes (Linda) are considered entertaining. Or maybe I would, but just not on this show- more of Bob dealing with outside forces & his family being human/not being terrible, please.

It's almost as if…
the review was a reversal of our expectations of reviews.

I always found "not that there's anything wrong with that" to be incredibly annoying and condescending- maybe that was the point? That it's so uncomfortable to be considered gay?

Seriously, he's been doing that forever, and it's gross. And in front of other dealers/Adults? That's just dumb.

Tom McRae Cover…
Sounds exactly like what would play on The O.C. or Glee or any show with 20/30 somethings playing teenagers, thinking they've accomplished "EMOTION". Bad idea.

Haddie's Crush (what's his name?)
He's definitely older than her- old enough to be a recovering alcoholic (unless he was a very drunk pre-teen, which could happen), old enough to be annoyed with high school juniors/seniors come by to do work, only for their college apps (I don't know if he ever said, "Every year, you

I guess this is what she meant by, "they just really have it figured out in Europe, you know?"

Hundreds of Jubilees…
Still better than X-Men 3.

So many families are "functional with various tensions" like this teevee family, so I'm really glad to see them Not be horrible/having many cringe-inducing moments.

"…eliminate the ban on Freak Dancing…"
I'm glad the characters also had no idea what that was.

The Pac-Man line & reaction-
That was just perfect- no "then the youngest male child says, 'ugh- it's not Pac-Man, OLD LADY.'"