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    Katie Couric is not being nice when she asks you about your genitals on national television. Piers Morgan is not being nice when he asks his viewers if they would sleep with someone who "used to be a man". It is not incredibly nice to exploit transgender people for cheap sensationalism.

    On days like today, I like to take a moment and appreciate that at some point in the distant future, the sun will expand in size and our weird little dirt orb will be engulfed by its burning hot majesty.

    And his "problem" has been thoroughly debunked by the MMA's guidelines for transgender players, which reflect a thorough assessment of biology and medicine. When Joe Rogan complains about this, he does so in express opposition to the body of evidence developed by doctors and scientists over decades of research that

    Do AV Club writers have house style guidelines for writing about transgender people, or does it just attract writers who don't have their head up their ass and can manage a few hundred words without embarrassing themselves with "used to be a man" nonsense?

    Yo Todd! As one of the resident transgender AV Club posters: Great work on the article, man! I'm not a fan of this movie or straight dudes dragging out, but basically no other news outlets get the terminology right in their copy- you did, dude! Keep up the good work!

    Am I the only one that didn't realize the show was in Colorado?? Why are they in Colorado?! It always felt so obvious they were in California!!

    That continuity errors video was freaking atrocious. Good lord, it's almost 1am and I want to shove that nerd into a locker and tell him to get a life.

    Ha ha! Yeah, democrats fighting against teacher's unions… what an absurd concept! *sighs, forlornly looks at all the new charter schools*

    yeah, and they were freakin' good at it. Unlike these CLOWNS, who have NO experience pretending to be wizards.

    Dang it, BBC! It's not too late to ditch these nerds and cast David Mitchell as Mr. Norrell and Robert Webb as Jonathan Strange. You know in your heart that it's the right thing to do.

    "If I'm depressed, everybody's depressed."


    @Bitenuker:disqus , dude, I don't have time to hang out in the comments today but you're doing good work all over this page. Keep it up.

    Big time. I've never met a Mike Allred comic I didn't just want to stare at for hours.

    It's worth noting "pronunciationbook" that these guys did isn't the same thing as "pronunciationmanual", which is the one that's funny.

    I'm 100% with you in principle but he'd just be so *uncomfortable* in an argyle sweater. he'd be miserable even as he admits it's way more pleasant to wear than wool and linen.

    That would've been absolutely incredible. I say this as a ridiculously intense DS9 fan. The "Canon" has its place, but I think especially with a series as malleable as Star Trek, you owe it to your audience to push your art in new, weird directions and see where it takes you.

    This is Krusty-Brand Imitation Gruel. Nine out of ten writers can't tell the difference.

    I hope Todd is actually reinventing the AV Club's TV coverage because he's just really excited about his comprehensive and devastating takedown of "Dads".

    Actually just today I talked to a guy who said he misgenders people all the time in English accidentally because in his first language, Hungarian, there aren't any gender specific pronouns. I had no idea. It was very interesting to consider a conversation where gender only comes into the discussion when we're