
You suggest that I scream "misogyny" if women are treated badly on screen. No, I scream "misogyny" when women are treated badly on screen JUST CUZ some real-life woman made the woeful mistake of breaking the writer/director/star's heart, a move that tends to inspire nasty little bits of revenge porn like Bellflower.

this comment got really weird at the end.

Has no one touched Jeff's hilarious reference to "The Fly" yet? His identity crisis this episode is one of the funniest bits that the show's done all season.

When Walter was writhing and screaming at the end of "Crawl Space", I remember thinking that we would start rooting for him again. And did I ever, especially when he and Jesse reunited. But the final shot of this episode undoes all my renewed admiration for Walt, which already became unhinged when he used his

I agree with this review entirely, and find it shocking that other critics reacted so favourably to the film.

The final shot was one of the most creative and telling things the show has ever done. Walter lying almost motionless, underground, in a wooden box…a coffin of his own making. This entire season has been leading up to that moment, where Walt finally realizes how wrong he was to even attempt to retain control. I think