
But that's what her celebrity couple name would be if she ever got with Coldhands

Good for you for staying unspoiled!

At least we still have Daario!

The Freys live in the Riverlands. The Tully's rule the Riverlands, so the Freys would more likely replace them. Bolton is a northman, and was also clearly an integral part of the betrayal.

Agreed, but do keep in mind from a strategy viewpoint, the tactics were very different, and IMO much more sensible in the, well, you know…

Yep! Although I thought from the get-go that it was pretty obvious that she would be ok

At least they're building up a reason for why she leaves with Rickon…

That would make sense.

Jeyne is alive, was probably not conspiring.

Re: UnCat- I really hope so!

Well they're both pretty trivial people, so it works.

Hope we get to see the Leech Lord soon…

Haha, maybe she will if Qyburn's skills are good enough.

* MAJOR SPOILERS* We will definitely see her again. Littlefinger's friend is Qyburn, and Ros will be his first unorthodox experiment before unGregor. However, the timing seems off since idk if Jaime/Qyburn/Brienne will make it to Kingslanding before the season's over.

One of the reasons that Robert took the throne is that, as a Baratheon, there is a very distant trace of Targaryaen blood. Also Tywin joined the rebellion at the last minute, so I don't think that was ever really an option.

Arya wants to go to her family at Riverrun, and she doesn't want the only family she has now, Gendry, to abandon her. She's selfish in the way that most children inherently are - his priorities are less of a concern than hers.


I don't think he's attracted to her so much as he's desperately and she's someone he can have a human connection with.

I don't understand how this is a review for experts. Jaime and Brinenne have a million babies? Who is Qyburn?

Next weeks episode is entitled "and now his watch has ended," which makes me thing the mutiny at Craster's will be next week.