
I'm embarrassed to admit this but I never really got what they were trying to do with Dawn. I found her to be a very grating character but it felt like the show runners wanted us to feel sympathy for her at times. I don't know if it was the writing or the acting, but her character fell completely flat for me. Letting

Wasn't he one of the people that originally took Garreth hostage? I thought they were keeping him in there to torture him. I might not be remembering that correctly, though.

"No, you're crying!"

(Shudders) Claustrophobia and spiders in the same episode? AHS could learn a lot from watching Fort Night.

I think one of the show's biggest improvements is its willingness to have a sense of humor from time to time.

How many tells did Jon have when he was asked about the idol? I counted at least three:

I don't know. Jaclyn got Jon to go against his gut and abandon an alliance because her feelings were hurt. People make fun of Jon's intellect a lot but I actually thinking Jaclyn is playing the worse game. She seems to take things way too personally and lets her feelings dictate the moves she makes.

I honestly was going to say exactly this. Did Evan Peters provide the vocals? If so, apparently there are two things he can't do: 1. Sing 2. Act sober (He's great at acting drunk, though).

I usually find Mitchell to be much worse than Cam. Cam actually seems to love Mitchell while Mitchell just makes snide comments for 22 minutes.

I think she preferred to keep living in her fantasy world where Lester is her Prince Charming than to find out what kind of person she actually married.

Wow. You took things up a notch there.

My assumption was that a cameraman whispered "fire" to him and Woo thought he said "fight." Oh, Woo.

"I didn't steal it. I was just playing with it." That line broke my heart.

He looks like a young Phil Dunphy.

I enjoy Jefra even if she doesn't seem to have a strategic bone in her body. She just seems so damn nice. I also enjoy the way she asks if people are urinating a lot.

I don't find Morgan even a little bit entertaining. Her go to insult is to constantly talk about how ugly people are. Normally this wouldn't bother me, but she's very popular among the AVClubbers due to her incredible breasts. But she's so mean-spirited it's hard to even enjoy them. She should be as hated as Naonka

Regarding the "Next Week on Survivor" promo: Why does Morgan always have to call other people ugly? This is the third or fourth time, right?

I hadn't thought of anything in particular. I just expected a wham line rather than… whatever that was.

Her bag was left behind which sure made it seem like someone grabbed her.

But the "fucks" on Breaking Bad were still silenced, right?