
I thought she was just trying to say that it should be easy to get him to talk by leading him on because Ani is an attractive woman. Maybe I completely misread that, though.

While the writers seriously miscalculated with the Cersei/Jaime scene, I can't imagine they wanted us to be tittilated listening to poor Sansa cry out in pain while a miserable Theon/Reek looks on. It was a very disturbing, unsettling scene.

I can relate so strongly to this feeling. There were times when I'd have to pause "The Office" because Michael Scott was making me feel so embarrassed by proxy.

Last episode ended with Pied Piper pulling a fast one on Endframe. Last season's finale was a huge win for Pied Piper over Hooli. They've definitely had some successes.

I don't get it, Beast_of_man.

"At first we’re still in the “Pt. 1” frame of
mind, so when Louie opens the door to find his two-bedroom condo a mess, a
shirtless Kenny joke-harassing April, and an offer to start drinking with Kenny
before noon, it’s easy to take Louie’s side."

That's probably my all time favorite joke. I can think of very few other long jokes that have great payoffs.

If you liked this you'd probably love "Next Time on Lonny." The choose your own adventure episode from the second season (https://www.youtube.com/wat… is honestly one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

I really hope zetes replies to you five years from now and it turns into a "Chickenshit and Asshole" type situation for the rest of your lives.

I can't say I identify with Phil/Tandy, but it is a little annoying the way the show is designed for the audience to despise Phil but other people's faults (Todd's clinginess and insecurity, big Phil's anger issues, Carol's hypocrisy, Melissa's pessimistic and dour attitude, and Gail and Erica's inability to develop a

I thought the way he kissed Carol after their divorce indicated that he does have some true feelings for her.

But other than Carol and Todd, no one else has any real personality. They spend most of their time just shitting on Real Phil (although, I liked fake Phil a little more after his sex talk with Carol).

It doesn't help that Melissa feels less like a person and more like a robot designed to frown at the stupid things Real Phil does.

I want her to do well, too, but I kind of hope she doesn't make the final because I don't want to see Jenn and her mean friend with the confused eyebrows tell her what an annoying human being she is. I can see how Shirin would be a hard person to live with, but some of the people this season are just really vicious

Yeah, I kept waiting for him to comment on the fact that they finally had a question about an 80's movie.

I laughed harder at this than anything else I saw all year. Teddy's so great.

I actually thought that was smart by the group because I think it put her at ease and if she had had the idol she might not have played it. But the younger girls seemed really mean to her. Sure, Nina plays the victim card too much but they really did seem to ostracize her.

I couldn't believe when Hali (or maybe it was Jenn-I get them confused) told Nina she "needed to be more like us." Isn't the whole point of being on a no collar tribe that you can be yourself without having to worry about people judging you? The hypocrisy wouldn't have bothered me so much if someone had called her out

I'm surprised at how many people hate Carol. I think if the show was told from Carol's point of view a lot of people would hate Phil. They are two very different people with very different morals and interests. It's not that one is bad. They're just people that wouldn't associate with one another if there were other

We still haven't passed whatever the opposite of the Bechdel test is, though. Unless you count all the balls Phil named as people.