Mister Evil

It's not really fair to knock a movie for using the best technology available to it at the time. Besides, I find the ridiculously rubbery CG Mortal Kombat fight dropped in the middle of Blade 2 a lot more distracting than anything in Blade.

Blade 2 is great, but Blade is perfect.

Spider-Man 3's biggest problem was its villains- Sandman was completely disconnected from anything else in the narrative, to the point where they had to clumsily retcom in a reason for Peter to hate him. Venom was ok, but more entertaining as just Eddie Brock being a sleazebag. Bringing back James Franco's xXxtreme

The best superhero movie is Blade.

I watched Spider-Man 3 a couple weeks ago and James Franco and the dancing are easily the best parts of the movie. Everything else is a slog that's completely disconnected from itself.

I don't think Federation vessels are capable of engaging in combat during warp travel, are they? I thought that was what made the ship from Into Darkness so unusual.

Also worth noting that Trek does have shuttlecraft which sometimes land on planets with ravaged magnetospheres or whatever.

Spock is SCREEEEAMMMMING with rage, just like he used to do on the tv show!

And something bad happens!

They're just such different approaches to the idea of space travel- Star Wars is built a lot more around the excitement of space dogfighting and treating spaceships like they're basically just awesome airplanes and aircraft carriers, while Star Trek views them more as submarines and, as such, needs a simple way to get

Ohh, let's say Enterprise-D and Death Star 1.

But the real question is could the Enterprise blow up the Death Star?

No, I mean I really am sorry. I disagree, but I don't think it's worth blocking each other over, since I enjoy your posts. If that's the way you feel, so be it.

I'm sorry you feel that way.

You know, suing someone over a bad date sure seems to me like "immediately escalate[ing] any disagreement into an attack", so I'm not sure why you're on his side here.

Well, that's not what happened here- the person did show up and then she left, as is her right to do at any time and for any reason.

Ok this isn't really an argument I'm interested in having- you said they were both bad people. I disagreed with the assertion that someone texting in a theater makes them a bad person. It means they were rude in the moment.

Sorry man, but yes- people are pretty much always legally allowed to get away with being rude. Why are you carrying so much water for this doofus?

That's what he says, yes- he's also the guy who filed a frivolous lawsuit over the issue and started harassing her family members about it. I'm not terribly inclined to think he has a great grasp on what kind of behavior is and is not super weird.

No, but you said that she was a "bad person" and equated rudely texting in a theater with filing frivolous lawsuits and stalking and harassing the texter and her family members. They are not equal offenses.