Mr. Simpson, don't take your anger out on me!
Mr. Simpson, don't take your anger out on me!
Mmm… open-faced club sand wedge…
Hey, if it fits down your throat, it's edible! No exceptions.
Oh please, the recipe as presented in the episode is perfectly cromulent.
Yeah, humans are really soooo great.
Yeah, but, Alien Jesus, if the internet mashes up Star Wars and the Beatles, the Beatles don't eat the commenters.
Mmm, room-temperature ham radio…
Feer an Lowthing in Lazvegus
The impact they had on cinema is, largely, the same as on the literary world- they made studios thirsty for that sweet sweet YA adaptation money. Just take a look at the dozens of intended franchise starters that have come out in the years since the HP movies started and fizzled like a mouthful of pop rocks. It's not…
Fantastic Malts and How to Drink Them
Oh I would never take Harry Potter too seriously. Now, let me explain in just under 25,000 words why exactly Snape is a greater hero and a greater man than Oskar Schindler.
But ma'am, that's not the Rolling Stones!
To be fair, how could you ever hope to follow that up? "Oh, I created a massive cultural blockbuster that had an incredible impact on both the literary and cinematic landscape, I'm sure the next thing I do will be just as big." I'd probably just coast on that as well (see also: Martin, George R.R.)
And Leeloo was just waiting for an under-employed murderer with a weird bleach job. It's a match made in heaven!
The Wahlbergs had to sacrifice their ugliest brother* to Satan in order to get The Wahlbergers on the air, so it could be worse.
Really, though, why doesn't the Hulk just solve all his problems with fifteen minutes of guided meditation and a Kind bar?
It's a shame the pop culture tides have broken the way they have, because Party Down South would be a pretty good name for a Prince reality TV show.
The love story is really the worst part of the movie, because it's completely unmotivated (despite "love" being the fifth element in question). They end up together because the script dictates that it is so.
To be fair, Gaston seemed to be illiterate as well, so maybe he just wanted someone who could relate to him.
Leelo's a weird case- she's definitely portrayed as innocent and naive to a degree at the beginning of the movie (see: her changing in front of Bruce Willis and Ian Holm with no hesitation or sense of shame), but she also slaps Corbin around when he tries to kiss her, which shows a sense of bodily autonomy.