Boston Matt

I just saw Fletch for the first time. My god I hated it. Its the most 80s 80s movie i've ever seen.

i don't remember her drinking. who knows about the making out. Her feelings for sarah could be more sarah centric than being a lesbian. Its been fairly subtle over all, though i'm sure it will come to ahead by the end of this season.

i hate you.

it was the one thing rhonda said that really got to heather. But watch the scene where they're talking about living together. Look at heather's reaction. Its all in that shot.

its funny, when they were watching it i thought it was jsut some B horror movie, in spite of the fact that its one of my fav movies. It didn't dawn on me until they cut away from the screen and you could hear the score.

hey, ma'am…
I think I got something in my teeth. Could you get it out for me?

the cat stuff wasn't hilarious until the cover story, "I was looking at pictures of food."

i find this show to be the entertainment version of a brain tumor.

well, leah got stuck with the dish that had the least give. She could only lose with eggs benedict. Just like if his last meal was chocolate cake, what could she do?

i will ignore Blaffair and respond to Lincolns REvenge re: Departed.

My life was worse! I was raised by rabid wolves whos idea of a good time was savaging local sheep and watching worn VHS tapes of old Coach episodes!

Peter is all of our inner Pacey's.

maybe they are the invaders from the other dimension. And maybe bell is walter from that dimension.

i believe they said Mass General, at least in the dialogue (i don't think i saw the floaty letters).

Stupid idol. I feel vindicated having never seen an episode…

Great episode
I've been loving the show, but a bit of me was getting a li'l impatient for the mythology to be fleshed out a bit.

I didn't say there weren't worse potential movie versions… how about a movie version of the Steve Harvey Show? I unfortunately saw my first bits of that show while waiting for TBS to rectify satallite issues during Game 7 of the ALCS this year.

if that movie was ever made, I think Nabin's head would explode at the possibilities.

they are figments of your syphillus tainted imagination.

I love computer keyboard. I love computer mouse. I love computer monitor. I love rickety IKEA desk.