
Tried to watch it but just couldn't get into it at all. Felt very obnoxious and the sexism is off the charts. Granted that is appropriate for the industry and period, but it does not make for enjoyable entertainment.

I just had a horrible thought. Giving D&Ds penchant for combining characters, are they going to Young Griff Daario? Nah, they wouldn't do that. (Although it would still make more sense than Littlefinger handing Sansa over to the Boltons).

I always liked book 5 but like it even more on my current re-read. The pacing didn't bother me, and I found myself much more interested in all the stories, like Jon really working as Lord Commander to try to rebuild supplies and get more bodies on the Wall. I probably need to give book 4 another read now. The show has

I don't disagree, but I would point out that a major reason that people follow the faiths descended from Abraham is that although Abraham was willing to make the sacrifice, his God was merciful enough to spare him from that sacrifice. It is that mercy that has resonated through the ages.

Right, or given the bloodlust of the Meereenese, set up gladitorial duels where the loser gets eaten by the dragons. Keeps her 'children' happy (and maybe even give them some training depending on how you set up the duels), and hopefully start to make Meereen start to question its 'glorious' tradition.

Yeah. I think I was supposed to be thrilled that Dany was finally flying but it felt more like desertion. Maybe she'll meet up with the Dothraki in the finale and recruit some more fighters to her cause. *shrug* Still feels like an absolute waste to have her meet up with Tyrion BEFORE this vital story arc plays out.

Exactly. Winterfell is a much more significant target in the books because a large part of his army is Northerners who insist on saving 'Ned's daughter'. By eliminating Stannis's actions to secure the loyalty of the northern clans, they've further weakened his motivations.

Read down. Plenty of well justified hate here. And then there's all the people (like me) who reached their limit with Sansa and can no longer summon sufficient outrage to express how we feel.

Every once in a while, Entourage has the ability to make me laugh, even though the only character I like is Turtle, and sometimes Lloyd. I love that never for a second are you supposed to respect Ari - they never try to 'redeem' him. He's the king of the douches and will never change because his behavior is rewarded

Right. I think they've captured Ramsay's character pretty well but are showing too much of him - a little goes a long way. The more interesting character is his father. We really need to see more Roose, who is far more deadly. I just finished re-reading the chapter where Roose is talking to Reek about Ramsay - would

My problem with the 'Sansa IS the North' angle is that I at least remember that Rickon is still alive and his claim to Winterfell will trump hers anytime. Not to mention that I'm not sure the 'real' Northerners will respect any Stark who marries her brother's murderer.

Right. And wouldn't it have been fun to have Stannis the Grammarian have to make nice to try and recruit the clans to his cause. And wouldn't it be nice to have Davos trying to bring the Manderleys in to the fray (Frey)? And at the wall, they've been treading water building up for some big non-book battle, but

Yes, I was very disappointed at the male choices. Really wish I could have stopped at six.

I gave it a D, in part because I was beyond pissed off at Grey's. Then this came on, repeating everything that grates about ShondaLand when the gears don't mesh. Totally agree with the reviewer about the music.

Reread it recently. Still think its horrific. Brienne's whole storyline bored me. The Iron Born didn't interest me at all. Cersei's story comes to an interesting end, but the road there is hard for me to read. That's well over half the book that didn't engage me.
I always loved aDwD though.

I think in the mid 90s, a fair number of 'nerds' were fairly concerned indeed about what might happen if they weren't given the resources to fix the problems they knew about, not to mention the problems they didn't yet know about. The concerns got press, the 'nerds' were given their resources and gradually the

The biggest mistake IMO was giving away beforehand that Stannis was heading to the wall. Took all the tension away for me.

Exactly. We're at the point that regardless of what happens in 2015, someone in the future is going to dislike and travel back to undo it. So I don't know how I can get invested in the story, when every victory can be wiped out in the next episode.

Sorry but I just don't give a hoot for Edith - she just keeps putting herself in the position where she's going to wind up in pain, and then sits around going 'why me'? The whole affair with Gregson was a recipe for disaster, and she compounded it by not taking care to avoid pregnancy. And the whole foisting her child

I enjoyed the first segment or two because of Wiig, then Taylor came on and it all went down the toilet.