
Yeah, for sure! I think he's a great teacher. But he's a funny/bizarre suggestion to rewrite a Project Greenlight script.

Boys Don't Cry writer Andy Bienen is a screenwriting professor at Columbia University - where Jason went to film school. He's a screenwriting guru of sorts there. And he's a big teacher of the three-act structure! But I assume Jason was like "who's the best screenwriter I know? Andy Bienen, my screenwriting teacher!"

Hey, I went to high school with her! She did always strike me as pretty tough. Not sure if she was rich. Whatever, assault is bad. He should be charged. The end.

oh that makes sense. I thought I was going crazy when Brownstein showed up and the show acted like she was an established character.

I agree. I feel like they do a good job of explaining why Josh was the way he was, while Sarah seemed especially opaque to me.

Maybe just listen and then you'll know if you like it. And take your own advice and be a duck's back instead of complaining about being dissed.

Awkward …

I assumed like 28?


Yeah, I was really confused by that in the review. Michael Sheen is playing on the glass and his wife stops him.

They really are. I hate that they tried to pay them to do the voices. What maroons.

I want good things for him cause I grew up with Lucky Spencer on General Hospital … and I just pretend Avery = Lucky.

Um. What is the plan for next year? The first paragraph here had me so confused …

My mom and her best friend started watching soaps when they were pregnant together. And they kept watching when me and my friend Brian were born. So we would watch with our moms during the summers … And I've never stopped!

I like them …

It was so funny how enamored he was of Alyssa "She looks like a fairy princesssss"

I loved when she was cracking herself up in the workroom. "It's too much! It's too much!"  She's my favorite to watch for sure.

Yeah. It bugged me because Tina clearly has boobs in her normal incarnation.

Seriously. I also end up singing along when I watch it.  Pug pug! Pug pug!

I'm rooting for Ivy too! I'm hoping she and Jinxx will emerge more as they get rid of some of the dead weight (looking at you, Vivienne).