Brawndo the Thirst Mutilator

Probably the same asshat who left this one-star review on Amazon:

So THAT'S where he hid his masterpiece. Don't watch it, it might be entirely too entertaining!

Ok, so I know the passing of Leonard Nimoy this morning has made this whole dress thing even more trivial and annoying than before, but I think I've finally been able to wrap my brain around exactly what's happening, so I thought I'd share it in the most succinct way I could before moving on with my life. Our brains

"Father and Son" - Cat Stevens (1970) and "Fight Test" - Flaming Lips (2002)
"Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains" - Arcade Fire (2010) and "Only Son of the Ladies' Man" - Father John Misty (2012)

What question would you worry most about having to answer truthfully in a game of Truth or Dare?

Only if he seeks forgiveness afterwards by kneeling in front of a giant crucifix and praying.

Hey, everybody!  Hold on as best you can!

Step 1: Take out Champ Kind.
Step 2: Infiltrate the Channel 4 news team.
Step 3: WHAMMY!

Hmm, the link I tried to include to the "Bill Murray Party Crashing" hoax thing seems to have disappeared…  Kinda makes makes my "super official" right there seem like a sarcastic and dickish response, sorry about that.

Hmm, the link I tried to include to the "Bill Murray Party Crashing" hoax thing seems to have disappeared…  Kinda makes makes my "super official" right there seem like a sarcastic and dickish response, sorry about that.

So it must be true, right, because it's super official!

So it must be true, right, because it's super official!

Stick around in town until Monday morning, come to my nerd-tastic post Comic-Con karaoke night Sunday night!  I can't promise Bill Murray will be there but the internets seem to think he likes crashing parties, so…

Stick around in town until Monday morning, come to my nerd-tastic post Comic-Con karaoke night Sunday night!  I can't promise Bill Murray will be there but the internets seem to think he likes crashing parties, so…

Their concerts have recently felt like a kid's birthday party where the birthday boy really, really, desperately wants everyone to have fun.  Demands it, even.

Their concerts have recently felt like a kid's birthday party where the birthday boy really, really, desperately wants everyone to have fun.  Demands it, even.

All because of me, most likely.

The editor's name seemed familiar…