
I think he was referring to everything. Ticket prices, concession prices, money generated from people flying abroad. Probably wouldn't be far off when you put it all into account.

Is the 'salute' joke from HIMYM really a running gag? I remember it only lasting one episode.

Shoddy reporting from you more like! There was no death in the season 2 finale. Someone was only shot.

My dad and I watch Breaking Bad together. Any bit of news I read about the show I tell him about. It took a while, but this story triggered a "Who the fuck cares?" kind of reaction from him.

Southland News Update

Tame Impala are pretty great as well

Either you get it or you don't, it's as simple as that.

"Hooray, he's kicked the ball. Now the ball's over there. That man has it now. That's an interesting development. Maybe he'll kick the ball. He has indeed, and apparently that deserves a round of applause."

Smokes and Mirrors is probably my favourite episode of The IT Crowd.

This is a disaster, and pretty selfish on Glover's part. Would a few more weeks of shooting really have hurt his shitty music career that much?

What is this place? Some sort of homosexual department?

Dear Sir stroke Madam,

It really does. Then again, I'd watch anything starring JGL. Even if it were just 90 minutes of him signing along to Makry Mark and The Funky Bunch in his car.

Such a shame. One of the best cop shows ever made.

This makes me happy.

I really hoped that Cooper would get to have a child with his ex-wife, so he could at least have some sort of happiness. Seeing her change her mind was just a killer blow, and from then on I knew Cooper wouldn't have a happy ending.

Fucking hell…

It's hard to feel disappointed about this show considering everything I expected to happen happened. It all felt extremely safe this year. The main event kind of sums up how the whole show went really. People were hoping for something special (like a Cena heel turn), but instead Cena beat Rock cleanly, and both shook

Great to see Russell again, even just for a brief scene with Lydia. In my opinion they never should have taken him off the show.

I love the way we don't find out what Cooper's last words to his father were. No words can describe what that man deserves.